We appreciate the giving of God's people. As tithes and offerings are received the board deacons endeavours to use those donations to manage the work of the ministry of North Douglas Church to the best of their ability. Any designations of donations are used for those purposes given unless the special project or fund purpose has been fulfilled. The board of deacons reserves the right to reallocate funds as needed.
Give through the offering plate at a Sunday morning service
Give through the debit machine in the church foyer or church office, Sundays or anytime the office is open
Give through e-transfer through your online banking. Simply arrange the e-transfer to go to info@northdouglaschurch.org (no password is needed as we have set up automatic deposit)
Give online through with a credit card through Tithe.ly (there is a link below or you can download the Tithe.ly mobile app to your phone - registration with Tithe.ly is needed the first time you give this way)